Wednesday, May 19, 2010

¡Oh Happy Day/Oh Crappy Day!

I love this ring set I spotted on Etsy.  Isn't it just the thing for Mondays or right now - the last days of the school year when getting up at 5 AM, driving 40 minutes to work, and spending hours with people who only want to be on vacation and already have that eyes glazed over I can't hear you look is starting to get to me The rings remind me of a story I was told when I first started teaching.

A teacher habitually wore a red dress every time she was in a terrible mood.  Maybe it was the little red shift that fits no matter what sort of body issues crop up that day, maybe it was a power dress intended to lift her mood, but the result was the same.  Every time she wore that dress the students knew there was to be no messing around.  Crap, she's wearing the red dress was what they came to say each time they saw it.  

I'm usually in a great mood at work, but with the extra class we had added to our load the year before last and teaching straight through from 8AM to 1:30 PM with only a 30 min. break for lunch and still having another class last period, I get very worn out by the end of the day.  Maybe this is just the thing to signal to my last classes that there is no messing around.

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